Millennium Falcon 1/48th Scale -Hasbro Conversion.
Two main filming models of the Millennium Falcon were used in the classic Star Wars movies.
For the Empire Strikes Back, a new Falcon model was built, almost half the size of its predecessor. This allowed the Special effects technicians and filmmakers to film the amazing asteroid field sequence and the fantastic dogfight scenes of Return of the Jedi.
The 1977 model was still used for close ups like the landing on Bespin and the scene inside the asteroid field gigantic slug.
Contrary to what one may think, the Empire Strikes Back new model was very different from the original Falcon model in it's shape and details. Even though I think the Empire Strikes Back model is a master piece, I still prefer the 1977 original Falcon Model, dew to the higher curve of it's hull, the size relation between the main disc, mandibles and jaw, the kit bashing details, and the shorter and more complex shape of the cockpit.
The Hasbro toy is a good start to try to construct a almost half size 1977 Falcon. Al though the toy is based on the Empire Strikes Back Falcon Model the shape of the hull is more similar to the original 1/24th scale Falcon, as the toy was deformed to allow the interior playset for the 1/18th classic Star Wars figures.
Cockpit Resin casts
This is an on going project and there is tons of work to do to get to the finished model. I will upload more pics as I advance.